The Monster Mega Master. The epitome of tool kits. ‘Monster’, as its usually referred to around the workshop but there really is nothing usual about it. 53 inches wide and over 6 feet tall, it is a beast in every sense of the word.

Packing over 1,100 individual pieces and made up from two gigantic toolboxes, it is the most comprehensive tool kit in our range. Dare I say it, its the most comprehensive tool kit in any range.

Many have documented the contents of the kit whether it be by video, imagery or written word but nobody has spoken about its inception. The reason it was created. What it stands for and how it raises the bar for all others that try to measure up to its magnitude. 

But we will. Why? Because we were there.

In order to tell the story properly we need to go back nearly two decades to the creation of another kit. The TCMM600.


The One That Started It All

The TCMM600 was a 600 piece toolkit created with one purpose. To show the marketplace the ultimate organizational system. Back then, it was unheard of to see a fully loaded kit all wrapped up and ready to be taken home. Back then the majority of people amassed countless tools individually, all too often buying the same exact tool over and over again.

And who could blame them? There was no proper organizational system around. No tool had a specific place. Everyday tools were lost and drawers were filled with incompatible lines spanning many industry brands. Quite simply, it was a mess.

Then came along the TCMM600. Everything literally changed overnight. For the first time people could see one place for all of their tools. One place to house everything. One place to get the job done.

This toolkit flipped the entire industry on its head, paving the way for the future of tool organization.


The Way Forward

Over the years this process was refined which led to the advent of even more popular lineage. From 715 piece sets to the beloved 1,001 Mega Master, each defined a generation. Each raised the standard for what could be achieved from tool organization.

Which leads us to 2013.

Standing in a showroom in the South East of the United Kingdom we looked from one corner to the next, from one tool kit to the next anticipating our next move.

What if we could create a no compromizing kit. One that was so big and so loaded that a user may never need anything else. What if we could create a kit so feature rich that people would smile every time they caught a glimpse or opened its drawers. What if we could create a Monster.

And create we did. Our tool tray system had recently evolved and we had started to sell double versions of the single variants. The reasoning behind the double width tool trays was the desire to fit more tools into a confined space. We wanted users to be able to maximize every inch of their tool set. What better place to adapt this concept than a brand new kit.


The Launch Of The Beast

The Monster Mega Master launched in mid 2013 and was immediately a success. People visibly stopped in their tracks when they came across one either in a store or in a workshop. Its size and capability had never been seen before. On top of that, our desire to provide an exceptionally crafted tool kit at an affordable price rang true in every sense of the word with this new arrival. 1,100 pieces housed in two 53” tool boxes for $6,999?

Not only did we want to create the best made kit in the world. We wanted to create the most reasonably priced no comprizing solution.

With the Monster, we did just that.

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06 novembre 2018
Tag: Tool Kits